Mu AWS 1.0 Public:
- Fixed Bugs
- Added New Items
- Added New Load Screen
- New Configs
- Added SMS System
Mu AWS 0.9c Public:
- Fixed a major security issue.
Mu AWS 0.9b Public:
- Now shows the credits required to send a message to the server (announce module).
- Updates the characters OptionData on name change.
- Fixed the last slot check in the smartcheck() function.
- Added an notice on the global announcer that notifies that the message is sent through the shop.
- Increased the maxlength on the credits field on the item group manager.
- Added a missing column in the installation.
Mu AWS 0.9 Public:
- The login/logout script no longer requires the output_buffer to be set.
- Added a config variable ($webshop['misc']['LoginTimeOut']) that sets the time cookies that are set as "Remember me" will expire in.
- Added golden fenrir support.
- Added a new module to send a global message to the server for credits. Web<>JS Interaction coded by SandBird (Shoutout to him). Also added word filters to prevent module abuses.
- Added a new module: IpBlock working with all ipv4 ip ranges. Admins have immunity.
- Added a new module: Change character name
- Added a new module: Guild mark change.
- Added a new module: Admin vault viewer
- Added a new module: User feedback
- Changed the item category display, also added an info script to it to dispaly how much items each category contains (onMouseOver)
- The "this item can be soldback.." message no longer is shown if the module is disabled.
- The menu item currently opened by the viewer is now highlighted.
- Added a new item excellent type for 3rd level wings, supported by the item parser, manager and adder. Also changed the 3rd level wings data a bit (see /install/WebShop.sql).
- Slightly improved the vault free space locater for multi-slot items.
- The item adder script now automatically redirects the user to his vault once the item is added.
- New function - smartsearch(), tracking free space in warehouse for less than a second!!
- Added a missing query for the past's version refund module causing refunded items not to be removed from the webshop user items table. Failsafe query.
- Added a new feature: set adder, multi-item adder. Also added the group manager as an admin module.
- Added a missing check on the user credit ranking admin module that caused it to miss its admin check making it accessable by anyone.
Mu AWS 0.8 Public:
- Added season III hero classes to the change class module. Added a trigger in the configuration to disable/enable the usage of the s3 classes.
- Added an item search function to the item manager (ajax based).
- Fixed the refund prise tooltip at the item adder.
- Fixed a small glitch in the installation causing it not to work with a few webserver packages.
- Fixed the item category strings in the item manager to display the proper category for each item.
- Fixed some php errs/notices/warnings.
- Reorganized item categories (both database and php definitions). See /install/upgrade/008.sql if this is not your first installation!
- Reworked misc stuff on the account credit manager.
Mu AWS 0.7 Public:
- Added season III thumbnails to the package
- Added refund module - can now sell items for credits. This works only for items bought with credits
- Fixed the installation file to work properly
- Fixed some item db issues
Mu AWS 0.6b Public:
- Fixed a bug with the vip server subscribing module - not checking if the user has the required credits.
- The logout module no longer shows the false "click here to logout" message
Mu AWS 0.6 Public:
- Added a total of 7 languages in the item pack.
- Added an editing link to change the credits on an user from the log.
- Added a notice message display if an item category is empty.
- Added a new option in the log viewer - to search actions only done today.
- Added sticky level items, used for different items using the same index&type as others, but with different levels.
- Added separated max level,option,exl ops limit for each item (item manager cfg).
- Added a config option in each language file to set the character encoding type.
- Fixed a bug with the item manager where once you delete the item it always shows u the deletion notice in the current session.
- Fixed a bug when showing the 'edit' button on the item settings for non-admin accounts.
- Improved the item serial search performance.
- Various cosmetic changes made.
- Updated the xport module, added comments to each query.
Mu AWS 0.5b Public:
- Fixed a repeatable language constant. Changed from phrase_lack_zen to phrase_zen_lack.
- Improved the method of the phrase reporting in item categories. Removed the switch.
- Added Spanish language file ot the default language pack ( Credits: Vok ).
Mu AWS 0.5 Public:
- Added item categories, now you can place an item in which of the 16 categories you'd like(item manager).
- Added a hyperlink on the item settings(itemadd) leading to the category the item belongs to (ajax).
- Added a new feature: zen shop.
- Added a Latvian language file to the default language pack ( Credits: drakelv ).
- Changed the method on item editing success. Now redirects automatically to the item manager of the same item.
- Changed some strings into language definitions.
- Fixed a text error in the vip server subscription where shows all expiration dates as permanent. Added new vip language phrases to replace solid strings.
- Fixed a problem with the login when fields are left blank, now prints out an error instead of being stuck on load.
- Fixed a problem with the item serial locater, showing always that no matches were found (even if displays em).
- Changed the module checking method to constants. Config file: wshmodules.php (Allowed module list)
Mu AWS 0.4 Public:
- Added 6 Database server support (Me_MuOnline).
- Added an option for users to change the language from the web.
- Added fenrir support in the iteminfo() function and in the item adder. Fenrir section in config added.
- Added the navigation menu's default content to the language file.
- Added an option in the config to pick which languages will be pickeable.
- Added Bulgarian language to the default language pack.
- Added a new feature: vip user subscriptions.
- Changed the "$webshop['credits']['points']" config type from (credits/5 points) to (points/1 credit).
- Changed the wshcfg.inc to wshconf.php due to the cfg of some web servers to show .inc files as plain text.
- Fixed the javascript credit checking method when the item does not have any excellent options (ex_type = -1).
Mu AWS 0.3 Public:
- Added a new option to create items from the shop.
- Added an index,id managing option in the item manager.
- Added a remove item function to the item manager
- Added a multi-language support.
- Added a zen limit in the zen casino function - $webshop['limit']['zen_limit'] in config.
- Added a delete function to the table xport feature
- Added a new function - ISeeDeadPeople() which checks if the user is an administrator.
- Fixed a message in the item manager showing the Leader Points (Command) requirement as Strength.
- Fixed a bug with the checkstatus function.
- Detatched the modules from the shop index.
- Changed the padding of the admin menu item to match the normal one.
Mu AWS 0.2 Public:
- Added total credits for a certain item setup.
- Added the menu class.
- Changed the VIP option method of pruning and creating.
- Now the confirmation box in the item adder shows the item name + the exact credits required for it.
- Now shows the expiration of the VIP subscription to the user.
- No longer shows the wings as "Excellent" and in green.
Mu AWS 0.1 Private:
- Created the webshop core.
- Created the webshop template.